中村三郎 Saburo Nakamura


Mr. Saburo Nakamura was born in 1876 as a son of the first head of Japan’s Mint Bureau and raised by his relative in Fukuoka Prefecture.


Since he was training his Samurai swordsmanship and Judo skills in his childhood and learning English from an English man in his neighborhood, he had become excellent at those.


He became a military spy when he was 16 and went to Manchuria for espionage, and he came back to Japan as a survivor (less than 10% survival rate) and worked as a high translator.


At the age of 30, he had a type of Tuberculosis which top medical doctors at the time had no effective cure.


While medical doctors treated him to no avail, he went to USA to visit the author of the New Thought book which he read and got impressed by, but the author didn’t take him so seriously at all.

黄金体体験 The Golden Body Experience


When Mr. Morihei Ueshiba was 42, he suddenly had a mysterious experience later called, “The Golden Body Experience”.


He felt that the land was rumbling, and his body was embraced with the golden light and to be one with the universe


As he realized that divine love and the spirit to protect everything are the original purpose of martial arts, he became miraculously invincible.


In my opinion, his authentic goal of teaching Aiki was to make people walk through Aikido (the Way of Aiki) by practicing the Martial Art of Aiki so that they could be unified with the universe and to acquire the great power of the universe.


Later, his best disciple, Mr. Koichi Tohei, who could understand it and practice it established Oneness Aikido (Ki Aikido).

植芝盛平 Morihei Ueshiba


Mr. Morihei Ueshiba born in Wakayama Prefecture in 1883 got certified as a Yagyu Shinganryu swordsman at the age of 25.


As he saw a Mr. Sokaku Takeda’s amazing Daitoryu Jujutsu demonstration and got astounded by it when he was 33, he built a Dojo and engaged him as his Dojo’s master.


Later, he was qualified to have mastered the esoteric techniques of Daitoryu Jujutsu.


He became a believer of Oomoto when he turned 36, and he had various kinds of religious training with Mr. Onisaburo Deguchi.


Around that time, he named his Jujutsu, “The Martial Art of Aiki ”, and he started his research on the power of Kototama.

出口王仁三郎 Onisaburo Deguchi


Mr. Onisaburo Deguchi wrote “The Story of Spiritual World”, and he found the method of making people possessed by the god.


He tried to reshape this world and to create the world of Maitreya.


Oomoto’s presence and influence grew as it had been attracting an increasing number of believers, and its religious organization got bigger and bigger.


However, because the Imperial Government agency concerned deemed Oomoto’s doctrine contradicting with the Nationalistic Shintoism policy, it thoroughly oppressed Oomoto.


Mr. Onisaburo Deguchi was first arrested for Lese Majesty in 1921, and he was arrested for the second time with 60 executive members of Oomoto for Lese Majesty and violation of the Peace Preservation Law in 1935.


A winding-up order was given to Oomoto in 1935, and the Oomoto’s facilities were blew up by bomb.

出口なお Nao Deguchi


As Ms. Nao Deguchi suddenly got possessed by a god and wrote up the prophecy of the future world through automatic writing in the evening of January 1st, 1892, she originated a new religion, Oomoto.


Because she wasn’t even able to write any letters, the prophecy was barely legible at the time.


However, it was later rewritten in an easy form to read by Mr. Onisaburo Deguchi, an adopted man as the husband for her daughter and also the brightest and the most competent believer of Oomoto.


Her goal was to make people sense and to be one with the god so they would be able to reshape this world and to create the divine land.


Since she deceased in 1918, Mr. Onisaburo Deguchi succeeded her position as Oomoto’s leading figure.

最古の人類 The Earliest Mankind


Oahspe tells us that there are 2 kinds of existence namely, “Es” (spirit and having power) and “Corper” (physical and not having power) in this world.


Also, this world is layered in 3 different planes namely, Atmospherea (the plane of thick Es such as God and angels), Etherea (the plane of thin Es like the spiritual beings in heaven, Earth, and hell), and Corporeal (the plane of Corper).


As Oahspe is called, “the album of snapshots of the major events in Earth history”, it conveys us detailed stories from the formation of the solar system to the events and activities of mankind in prehistoric time.


According to Oahspe, Japanese people in Jomon Era would be “the earliest mankind”.


Oahspe prophesied that their ancestors who use the power of Kototama would live nobly and harmonize with people having different religions, and they would lead mankind in future to the right direction.

オアスペ Oahspe


Since John Newbrough’s mother who just passed away often showed up and gave some messages to John Newbrough’s strict father denying paranormal phenomena, his father had finally come to believe the existence of spiritual beings that his son talked about in his childhood.


This made him deeply interested in spiritual world again, but his inspiration that he sealed a long time ago didn’t come back at all.


Therefore, to find the way to get back his sense, he traveled to meet psychic medians all over the world.


After returning from his 15-year-long trip, he purified his body and soul thoroughly for 6 years to get back his spirituality, and he concentrated on typing through automatic writing for a year to finish “Oahspe”.