鶴亀山 Mt. Tsuruki


In Tokushima Prefecture on Shikoku Island of Japan, there is a 1,955-meter-high mountain called “Mt. Tsuruki” (Mt. Crane and Turtle) .


Today, it’s written, read, and known as “Mt. Tsurugi” (Mt. Sword).


Every July 17th, people carry a very heavy Mikoshi and climb all the way up to the summit of Mt. Tsuruki to praise its Shinto god.


By the way, Kukai, a Japan’s prominent master monk of Esoteric Buddhism, made the special route to walk around visiting the select 88 sacred spots throughout the whole Shikoku Island.


Therefore, those who complete a long journey of the route must think and feel that they have witnessed every important thing on Shikoku Island.


However, since the route doesn’t include a way that the walkers can see Mt. Tsuruki, they end up having no chance to even realize there is such a mountain.


Some say that to conceal the existence of Mt. Tsuruki until the right time comes to reveal the very secret of the mountain, Kukai deftly designed the route like so.