日米条約 The Japan-US Treaties


When Matthew Perry came back with his 7 warships, he came to Yokohama and started surveying the land to intimidate Japanese people by showing off a very well organized Western military.


To avoid unnecessary battles, Bakufu concluded a treaty of peace and amity with the Americans, and they promised to open the designated ports in Japan and to provide water and fuel there for them.


In 1856, US Consul General, Townsend Harris came to Japan.


Because the 13th Shogun passed away in 1858, Naosuke Ii from Hikone (Shiga Prefecture) Domain was selected as Tairo (Shogun’s agent selected only when it was necessary).


In the same year, to avoid an unnecessary battles by taking all the blames against Bakufu to himself alone, he arbitrarily decided to sign on the unequal treaty of commerce and amity with the Americans.