参与会議 The Consultants Conference


In March of 1863, the representatives of Bakufu, the powerful Domains having great influence in Bakufu, and the dynasty had the conference in Kyoto as the consultants to discuss if Bakufu should permit the Westerners to call at Japan’s biggest port, Yokohama Port.


While Hisamitsu Shimazu stated that Bakufu should let them and fully start trading with them so Japan could have adequately strong militaristic power and fight against the Westerners, the representative of the dynasty stated that Bakufu shouldn’t let them so their influence over Japan could be minimized as possible.


Knowing that if Bakufu let them, Japan would end up being put under the Establishment of the New World Order’s control soon like other countries, Yoshinobu Hitotsubashi supported the dynasty’s opinion.


Because Hisamitsu Shimazu was unquestionably reckoning that one of the progressives, Yoshinobu Hitotsubashi would supporter of his opinion at the conference, he was extremely disappointed.