神社 Shinto Shrines


It’s an astonishing fact that there’re actually over 80,000 Shinto shrines throughout Japan.


Since even the total number of convenience stores in Japan are about 55,000, it may be no exaggeration to say that you can see some Shinto shrines just by randomly walking around town.

人々はいろんな理由で神社 にお参りしに行きます。

People go to a Shinto shrine and pray there for many different reasons.


We today have so many strict rules to follow yet, “generosity” and “friendliness” are essential for the original Shintoism.


Therefore, one could simply pray, just friendlily greet, declare one’s will, ask for help, or show appreciation.


I think being generous and friendly is one of the key reasons why Shinto shrines have been able to attract so many Japanese people for a very long time.