西郷隆盛 Takamori Saigo


Despite living in a feudalistic time period, Nariakira Shimazu, the former Satsuma Domain head and Hisamitsu Shimazu’s brother was so rational and magnanimous that as long as one is bright and competent, he was giving the low-ranking Samurai the Domain’s important jobs.


He was especially putting great confidence in the Domain’s secret agent, Takamori Saigo who was integrate, very popular, and remarkably talented in persuading people.


On the contrary, Shimazu Hisamitsu was putting great confidence in his political advisor, Toshimichi Ookubo who could make cleverly flexible moves, but he was fueding with Takamori Saigo who was too steady and dangerously honest.


However, after the Consultants Conference, he had realized that unless Bakufu, the conservative and old regime isn’t destroyed, Japan would possibly end up falling behind of the Westerners even further.


So, agreeing with Toshimichi Ookubo proposing that  a radical and charismatic figure like Takamori Saigo would be essential to accomplish such a major task to destroy Bakufu, he gave him the domain’s important post again in 1864.