大政奉還 Meiji Restoration


To end the old regime while not letting Japan go into a long civil war and impoverish itself, Ryoma Sakamoto had Tosa Domain Samurai, Shojiro Goto convince Tosa Domain’s former head, Toyonobu Yamauchi to present Yoshinobu Tokugawa the proposal of “Meiji Restoration”.

大政奉還 (幕府が朝廷に政治の実権を返上)を将軍が宣言してしまえば、もはや長期の内戦を勃発させる大義名分はなくなります。

Once Shogun declares Meiji Restoration (Bakufu giving back Japan’s political power to the dynasty), there would no longer be any reason to break out a long civil war.


Understanding that even though the political power goes back to the dynasty who didn’t have adequate source of fund or functioning government agencies like Bakufu, Bakufu would substantially continue to have its power, Yoshinobu Tokugawa declared Meiji Restoration on the same day as the secret Imperial order to subjugate Bakufu was given.


In the following month in Kyoto, Ryoma Sakamoto was assassinated by someone.