戊辰戦争 Boshin Civil War


The Establishment of the New World Order had been sending their agents to countries and having them brainwash and rear those promising ones who were  upset about the old regime to be their local agents.


After providing their agents a gigantic amount of fund and arms by backdoor means to have them lead their countries to break out civil wars or revolutions, they had been putting those agents in the new regime and secretively controlled their countries.


Although a long civil war in Japan seemed to have been avoided by declaring Meiji Restoration, the local agents kept maneuvering to get the dynasty to give the Imperial command to divest Bakufu’s official rank and to confiscate all of Bakufu’s land in December of 1867.


Being provoked by it, Bakufu sent 15,000 Bakufu troops in the following month to Toba in Fushimi (Kyoto Prefecture) where 4,500 Neo Government troops were staying.


Thus, “Boshin (a Chinese Zodiac year which comes every 60 years) Civil War” between Bakufu Troop and Neo Government Troop broke out in a Boshin year.