Hearing that Ramesses I who was about to establish the 19th Egyptian dynasty and to turn its first Pharaoh was going to subjugate him, Akhenaten escaped to the southern part of Sinai Peninsula and headed to Canaan with his troop to join the troop of his allies.
Shortly after Ramesses I sent the troop to subjugate Akhenaten before he gets to Canaan, he deceased.
So, his son, Seti who turned the 2nd Pharaoh of the 19th Egyptian dynasty carried out and accomplished this mission.
In the 13th Century B.C., the remainding troops of Akhenaten’s troop made it to Canaan where their allies were, and they may have eventually become Israelites.
It can be inferred that the name, “Israel” is actually an assembled word of “Is”, 50 which was the numerical representation of Enlil, Sumerian supreme god at the time, “Ra”, Egyptian supreme god, and “El”, Ugarit’s supreme god.