太子の見た未来 The Future Shotoku Taishi Saw


Shotoku Taishi also had noted, “Approximately 2,500 years after the Buddha’s death, G(Q)handa (a kind of demon in Buddhism) will come to occupy Japan, and Japan will be like a parent and 7 children.”


Given that the Buddha passed away in around 544 BC, G(Q)handa has already come to Japan and been doing its jobs for over 78 years.


Also, I think “a parent” of “a parent and 7 children” means “Abraham” in the Old Testament.


When we see Showa Emperor who had declared “the end of World War(s) (the beginning of the new world)” as Abraham, his son and the current retired Emperor can be seen as Isaac, and his grandson and the current Emperor can be seen as Jacob.


The current Emperor who can be seen as Jacob, the original ancestor of the 12 Tribes in the Kingdom of Israel was enthroned on May 1st, 2019.


By Kabbala, “May 1st, 2019” and “May 1st, 1776” can be seen as equivalent dates.

そこで、私見では、今(2019年から2031年まで)がまさにあの籠目の歌の「夜明けの晩に 鶴と亀が統べた」の「夜明けの晩」という過渡期であることをこの予言は伝えていると考えています。

Thus, in my opinion, the prophecy is telling us that now (between 2019 and 2031) is indeed the very transitional period, “the night of the daybreak” of “At the night of the daybreak, the Crane and the Turtle unify and govern.” in Kagome Song.