聖徳太子の憲法② Shotoku Taishi’s Constitution②

第一条      和を以て貴しと為す。

Article 1    We shall honor a harmonious relationship.


Amenominakanushi (the central processing function of the universe)


This article declares that honoring a harmonious relatioship is the supreme precept (spirit) which the central government officials shall respect.

第二条      篤く三宝(仏法僧)を敬う。

Article 2    We shall respect Dharma (the teachings of Buddhism).


Takamimusuhi (the function to connect everything to the data in Takamanohara)


This article declares that the officials shall refer to the teachings of Buddhism which teaches us the truth of this world.

第三条      詔を承っては必ず慎む。

Article 3    We shall follow the words of the Emperor.


Kamumusuhi (the function to connect everything to Amenominakanushi)


This article declares that the officials shall follow the words of the Emperor who can tell us the words of Takamanohara.