般若心経⑤ Panna Heart Sutra⑤

無智亦無得 以無所得故


Since any data at all obtained with sensory organs or recognized in mind actually don’t exist, you are never obligated to hold on to anything at all neither tangibly nor intangibly.  So, you are bound to nothing at all in this world.

菩提薩埵 依般若波羅蜜多故 心無罣礙


Once bodhisattva realize it, their (subconscious) minds are set free from all barriers within themselves.

無罣礙故 無有恐怖 遠離一切顚倒夢想


Since their (subconscious) minds are set free from those barriers, they can ever be free from fear and failures.

究竟涅槃 三世諸仏 依般若波羅蜜多故


Having realized it, those in all times are able to reach Nirvana as Buddha.