般若心経② Panna Heart Sutra②


Panna Heart Sutra is a Buddhist sutra written with some essentially important Buddhism terminologies, so please refer to them from my past weblog article, “The Ultimate Goal of Buddhism” if necessary.


Panna Heart Sutra is a narrative sutra telling what Sariputra (said to be the brightest among the ten greatest disciples of the Buddha) heard and learned from the Kannnon how to realize the whole truth of this world.

観自在菩薩 行深般若波羅蜜多時 照見五蘊皆空 度一切苦厄


When I (the Kannnon) was deeply meditating, I had a revelation and realized that whatever I recognize as real and think as real is all sunya.  Since I came to realize it, I’ve been released from all sufferings.