般若心経⑦ Panna Heart Sutra⑦


Knowing the path doesn’t mean that one’s actually walking that path.


The mantra of Panna Heart Sutra is helping those bodhisattvas who haven’t yet reached Nirvana even after studying so much and known very well about what are written in Buddhism sutras.


Subconscious mind has the power to create the same reality as one’s regularly been imagining as real.


Therefore, as long as one keeps imaging oneself not yet to be in a certain state, the one will stay in the reality where the one has not yet to be in that state.


If one keeps imaging oneself trying to achieve one’s goal, instead of imaging oneself already achieving it, the one’s subconscious mind ends up creating the reality in which the one hasn’t yet to achieve the very goal.


Panna Heart Sutra’s mantra is telling Bodhisattvas that they should know about this pitfall-like fact so they can successfully reach Nirvana.