徳川家康 Ieyasu Tokugawa


From his vassals (powerful feudal lords), Hideyoshi Toyotomi selected 5 Tairo who conferred about the policies of Toyotomi Administration, and he appointed Ieyasu Tokugawa its head.


Since Ieyasu Tokugawa was so competent that he could be Hideyoshi Toyotomi’s best ally or his worst enemy, he gave Ieyasu Tokugawa the domain in Edo (Tokyo) which was nowhere but an extremely difficult place to prosper at the time.


However, owing to his extraordinary cleverness and strong faith, Ieyasu Tokugawa had steadily been constructing Edo as a prosperous town and readily gaining more power.


When Hideyoshi Toyotomi died, his son was only 5 years old, so Ieyasu Tokugawa, the head of 5 Tairo succeeded the power of Toyotomi Administration.