石田三成 Mitsunari Ishida


From his vassals (powerful feudal lords), Hideyoshi Toyotomi had also selected 5 Bugyo who managed the political affairs, and he appointed Mitsunari Ishida its head.


Mitsunari Ishida was an honest and highly competent bureaucrat type of man yet, he wasn’t a popular or charismatic kind of one.


So, Ieyasu Tokugawa must have thought that as long as Mitsunari Ishida is the supreme commander of Toyotomi’s troop, many powerful feudal lords wouldn’t opt to join Toyotomi’s troop.


To successfully take over the position of ruling over all the domains in Japan, he had been cleverly creating a situation where Mitsunari Ishida as the supreme commander of Toyotomi’s troop breaks out a war against him.