引き寄せの法則 The Law of Attraction


Since an Australian TV producer, Ms. Rhonda Byene reintroduced the idea of the Law of Attraction in her bestselling book, “The Secret” published in 2006, the Law of Attraction has turned very famous and popular idea.


The Law of Attraction is said to first and originally come out in a book, “Thought Vibration or the Law of Attraction in the Though World” published in 1906.on.


This book written by an American lawyer and a New Age Thinker, Mr. William Atkins.


In the book, he introduced his theory that each and every thought is radiating a wave which is vibrating with its particular frequency.


He goes on to say that since things with the same kind of wave attract each other, what kind things happen around the one is ultimately determined by what kind of thought the one is having.