迂闊な源義経 Reckless Yoshitsune Minamoto


Taking the matter lightly, Yoshitsune Minamoto sent Yoritomo Minamoto a concise letter explaining that he had no intention to betray, and he proudly came to Kamakura in triumph.


Being stopped for about half a month when he was about to go into Kamakura and finally realizing how serious the matter was, he sent Yoritomo Minamoto a proper letter to sincerely apologize for what he did.


To see if he was really sorry, Yoritomo Minamoto told him to go back to the capital and quietly stay there for a while.


Losing his temper, Yoshitsune Minamoto said, “I hate Yoritomo more than I hated Heishi.  Whoever also hates him must come with me to subjugate him.”


Hearing it, Yoritomo Minamoto took away all the land he had given Yoshitsune Minamoto as rewards.