太平洋ハイウェイ The Pacific Coast Highway


Aaron Palmer and August Belmont were the two of some international banker family’s agents in New York, and Aaron Palmer was proposing the idea of “the Pacific Coast Highway”.


He believed that to win a very large Chinese market share, New York and China need to be functionally connected with the transpacific steamer line and the transcontinental railroad which was going to be built at the time.


As a lobbyist, he stated that since the commercial ships would some fuel stations on the Highway, the government must send the navy to make Japan open the ports under duress.


However, it costs too much to send the navy, so the public opinion was not favoring his proposal.


Spreading the fake news that Japanese were abusing American whaling ship crews, he finally succeeded in making the government send US Commodore and August Belmont’s father-in-law, Matthew Perry’s fleet to Japan.