鎌倉幕府 Kamakura Bakufu


In 1180, Yoritomo Minamoto had already established Samurai Dokoro, Kamakura Bakufu’s office to control his vassals.


In 1184, he had already established Man Dokoro, the office to manage the administrative affairs, financial affairs, and litigation .


Also, he had begun appointing the newly established posts, “Shugo”, “Jito”, and “Bugyo” since 1181.


Shugo were in charge of military and police jobs in their local jurisdictions, and Jito were in charge of guarding and managing their local manors.


Bugyo was dispatched to Kyushu Island to control his vassals in the area, to do military and police jobs, and to manage administrative affairs and litigation there. もっとも、あらゆる訴訟において判決を下すのは幕府の専権事項とされていました。

However, Bakufu had the exclusive authority and power to give judgments to every case of litigation.


Plus, after Oshu Fujiwara perished in 1189, another Bugyo was dispatched to the northeastern part of Japan.