禅宗 Zen Buddhism Sect


In the end of Heian Era, Zen Buddhism Sect came to Japan, and it told people that meditating while sitting cross legged would enable one to realize the truth of this whole world.


Also, Eisai who started Rinzai Buddhism Sect told people that by asking and answering paradoxical questions, one would be able to realize the truth of this whole world.


In the early Kamakura Period, Dogen began Soto Buddhism Sect, and he told people that focusing on meditating while sitting cross legged would be the only way to realize the truth of this whole world.


On the other hand, in the mid-Kamakura Period, a Tendai Buddhism Sect bonze, Nichiren told people that they would be salvaged by just reciting the title of the Lotus Sutra which he considered as the ultimate sutra.