民主制の実効性 The Feasibility of Democracy


As I mentioned in my previous weblog article, only in the state where the Freedom to Share Information is guaranteed, wholesome democracy could function as intended.


Even though People have the right to vote and to be voted (e.g. Article 15, Paragraph 1 and 3 of Japan’s Constitution), wholesome democracy would never function as intended if the accessible information is limited to the impartial one which is misinterpreted and misleading to serve the best interest for a certain People who have power.


Also, those candidates who have economic power or connection to someone significant (which is nothing whatsoever to do with one’s will or capabilities to do what the one’s promising to accomplish) still have material importance to get elected.


This means that only the opinions of some people who have overwhelming financial power are reflected on the national policies, so wholesome democracy isn’t functioning well enough as intended.


Now that people have highly advanced information technology which most people couldn’t have even thought of when they established Constitutions, I hope to have some kind of information system that can truly ensure the feasibility of democracy.