日露戦争 The Russo-Japanese War


After having a meeting with the vice-head of Japan Bank, Korekiyo Takahashi, Kuhn Loeb & Co. (some international banker family’s partner in New York)’s manager, Jacob Schiff decided to assume a gigantic amount of Japan’s national bond which would finance the Russo-Japanese War.


Also, allying with England, Japan could get the latest military supplies, strategical intelligence, and special cooperation from England.


Japan’s Imperial Army sent Colonel Motojiro Akashi to Russia to help the Russian revolutionists make it, and they bombarded and sank the Russian Fleet porting at Lushun Port from the 203-Metre Heights where they had conquered earlier.


As Japan’s Imperial Navy defeated the Baltic Fleet, the Russian primary fleet on the Sea of Japan, Japan substantially won the Russo-Japanese War.


However, since Japan was already out of resources to continue the war while Russia refused to admit that they lost the war, Japan had to accept Portsmouth Peace Treaty mediated by US and to compromise with the terms which wouldn’t sufficiently compensate Japan’s tremendous sacrifice.