アファメーション Affirmation


Affirmation is the technique invented by Mr. Louis Tice in the process of Coaching method to enhance one’s performance by bringing out the one's latent abilities.


By the way, we need to be alert that in self-help world, as well as many are mistaking what cognitive science is saying with what’s observed in quantum mechanics, many are mistaking Kototama with Affirmation.


Each and every 50 spoken Japanese word sound has its own meaning and function, and Kototama creates reality in accordance with each of those sounds or the combination of them.


On the other hand, Affirmation is the technique that reprograms the direction of one’s self talks which a human brain unconsciously (subconsciously) repeats tens of thousands of times a day from the current one to an adequately affirmative one to reach one’s goal.


If one can change the direction of the one’s self talk to the affirm one, the one can definitely keep affirmative self image.


Because one’s affirmative self image will eventually enhance the one’s self efficacy to an adequately high level to reach the goal, the one will necessarily reach the goal.