古事記① Furukoto Fumi①


I think “Furukoto Fumi” (generally read, “Kojiki”) wasn’t written as one of those historical documents combined with mythology and folklore.


Nihon Shoki (30 volumes and a genealogical table) and Furukoto Fumi (3 volumes) both clearly sort the sections by if the episodes are based on mythology, folklore, or historical records.


Although it was ingeniously written as if it follows the same story line as Nihon Shoki, Furukoto Fumi was probably written by using spiritual inspiration and Kototama to depict what actually happened between the beginning of the universe and the times when it was written.


Therefore, unless one uses spiritual inspiration and Kototama to interprets Furukoto Fumi, the one would never be able to realize what’s it actually written about and to appreciate its authentic value.