白河上皇 Shirakawa Grand Emperor


It’s said that as the man who put everything under his control, Shirakawa Grand Emperor stated, “There are 3 things left that I cannot yet to control in this world: Kamogawa River’s water (flood), the pips of cast dice, and Enryakuji Temple’s armed bonze”.


In 1096, he became a bonze and turned Shirakawa Dharma Emperor.


Once Horikawa Emperor demised in 1107, he made his other son become Toba Emperor and continued exercising the political power of the dynasty.


Having both Heishi Samurai and Genji Samurai put down the revolts of armed bonze, he even succeeded in suppressing them at last in 1113.


He made his grandson become Sutoku Emperor in 1123, and he deceased in 1129.