聖徳太子の憲法⑥ Shotoku Taishi’s Constitution⑥

第十四条  嫉妬心を持たないようにする。

Article 14  We shall try not to envy others.


Omotaru (the function to create a galaxy having a habitable planet)


This article declares that despite the differences in circumstances, the officials understand the very fact that each and every one of them is equally important and valuable.

第十五条  私事から目を背け、公に目を向ける。

Article 15  We shall forget about our private life and concentrate on our job as public servants.


Ayakashikone (the function to create the environment of such a galaxy where intelligent life can sustain their lives)


This article declares that since one can have a very wholesome and the most exciting life when they’re focusing on one’s professional task and completing one’s mission, the officials shall do so.