足利義輝 Yoshiteru Ashikaga


Learning the military arts in person from the eminent swordsmen of the time such as Bokuden Tsukahara, the 13th Shogun, Yoshiteru Ashikaga who was very bright and highly competent became a master fencer.


Also, he was making friends with prominent Warring States feudal lords and often even mediating their disputes.


To regain the authority and power of Bakufu, he was actively bestowing the high ranks to the powerful men in Japan.


However, to take over the actual control of Bakufu, Miyoshi Clan’s vassal, Hisahide Matsunaga raised an army to purge Nagayoshi Miyoshi and to assassinate Yoshiteru Ashikaga in 1565.


Although he alone killed tens of the assassins with his sword and fought back well, he eventually had to give up and to commit suicide.