乙巳の変 The Assasination in Isshi


Umako Soga passed away 4 years after the demise of King Umayado in 622.


His son, Emishi Soga took over the post, and he and his son, Iruka gained significant political power in the dynasty.


Later, they became isolated in the dynasty because they started ruling dictatorially, and Iruka acted like a tyrant.


Iruka Soga fearing that Soga Clan would be purged from the dynasty and replaced with the descendants of the charismatic hero, King Umayado, so he killed all the descendants of King Umayado diabolically in 643.


In Isshi (645), hearing the news that Iruka Soga was assassinated by Eldest Prince Naka and Kamatari Nakatomi, Emishi Soga committed suicide on the following day.